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Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test

Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test

also known as: Dog Dander Radio Immunoabsorbent

Allergen-specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) blood test uses a small blood sample to determine if a person is allergic to Dog Dander. Dander consists of small particles and dead skin cells shed by cats, dogs, birds and other animals with fur or feathers. These microscopic bits of skin can cause reactions in people who are allergic to these triggers. Dander can remain in clothing and bedding until it is thoroughly cleaned. Dog dander is a very common allergy. It causes itchiness in the skin, watery eyes or form rashes. A more serious dog dander allergic reactions can lead to respiratory problems like difficulty in breathing or asthma.

Traditionally allergy tests were done by Skin Prick method (also known as a Puncture or Scratch test). It would determine whether an allergic reaction will occur by inserting possible triggers into a person's skin with a needle prick. Today, blood samples are taken to test for allergic reactions externally. It keeps you from causing painful reactions and exposing you to potential allergens. You don't need any special preparations before taking this test. When you visit the clinic, it is recommended you wear a T-shirt or short-sleeved shirt. It makes things easier for you and the technician while drawing the blood.

This test is performed to check if you are allergic to dog dander. Doctors may ask you to do this test if you show symptoms of an allergy which includes itchy eyes or nose, sneezing, hives, nasal congestion, or trouble breathing. Elevated levels IgE antibodies may conclude that a dander allergy is present. This test is very useful for people who have life-threatening reactions to dog dander. It also benefits kids for whom a skin-prick test would be too dangerous. The severity of the reaction isn't necessarily predicted by the amount of IgE antibodies. But, a doctor can interpret the result better.

Usually, a health professional will draw the blood from a vein. For an infant, the blood is drawn by puncturing the heel with a small needle. If the blood is drawn from a vein, the skin surface is first cleaned with an antiseptic. Then an elastic band (tourniquet) is placed on the upper arm to apply pressure, causing the veins to swell with blood. Blood is withdrawn by inserting a needle in a vein which is collected in a vial or syringe. When the blood is collected, the needle is removed covering the area with cotton to stop the bleeding. The process takes only a few minutes.

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Average price range of the test is approximately Rs.900 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity

Table of Content

What is Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test?
Preparation for Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test
Uses of Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test
Procedure for Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test
Price for Allergen, Individual-Animal Dog Dander Test
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