Top Health Tips on Improving Skin Health

Do You Sleep Naked? Know Its Impact On Health!

Sexologist, Panchkula
Do You Sleep Naked? Know Its Impact On Health!
We always think of wearing something cosy to bed to get a good night's sleep. We even dress up kids to be comfortable and bundled up so they can get a sound sleep. Studies have shown that contrary to popular belief, sleeping nude is the best way to a sound sleep.  In addition to good sleep, there are other benefits that have been identified too, as listed below:

1) Improves sleep quality - While most of us think of keeping ourselves cosy in our nightwear leads to good sleep, science believes otherwise. A reduced core body temperature is what leads to better sleep. This happens when you sleep with no extra layers of clothes to keep you warm. Research conducted showed better depth of sleep and reduced number of awakenings when there are no extra clothing layers.

2) Better skin and hair health - Melatonin and growth hormone are essential for anti-aging and they are released when the body temperature is cooler, which happens when sleeping in the nude. Growth hormone is essential for bone mineralization, improved immunity, and muscle mass building. Melatonin is a good hormone regulator, and manages the functioning of other hormones essential for our body. The armpits and groin area are always covered, and sleeping without clothes can help these areas breathe and feel fresher. The chances of yeast infection are also reduced.

3) Reduced stress levels - The stress hormone cortisol is also optimal, both in release and function, when the body gets a good sleep. This is essential for better immunity and cognitive function, better sugar regulation. Reduced stress leads to reduced chances of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc. Therefore, sleeping without clothes helps to better equip you with fighting stress.

4) Weight loss - Our body has two types of fat - brown and white. While fat helps to keep the body warm, sleeping without clothes burns more of this fat and thereby increases weight loss. Another mechanism also is that the good sleep that you get when sleeping without clothes helps improve metabolism, reduce fatty and sugar cravings, thereby further adding to weight loss.

5) Improved relationships - Needless to say, getting into the habit of sleeping without clothes will help your sex life. The science behind it is the improved released of oxytocin, which is the cuddle hormone.

6) Better sperm quality - The testes produce better sperm quality when body temperature is cooler, thereby improving male fertility. Warm clothes at night also has a bad effect on testosterone, which is essential for boosting libido and other male sexual features.

There you go - a lot of valid scientifically proven reasons to drop those night suits and pajamas off - what is more, there is also a cost saving here!
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6 Face Washing Mistakes that are Damaging Your Skin, Everyday!

MD- Dermatology & Venereology,Leprosy , International Fellowship in Dermatology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Gurgaon
6 Face Washing Mistakes that are Damaging Your Skin, Everyday!
6 face washing mistakes that are damaging your skin, everyday!

Face-washing may be a simple everyday task that requires no great effort on your part. But when it?s not done right, it causes significant harm to your skin, each day. The mistakes that you may make while washing your face could lead to issues like irritation, dryness and even wrinkles. Read on to find out how you can avoid making these common errors, and save your skin from blemishes, ageing and lustreless look.

1. Using the wrong cleanser

The use of the wrong cleanser can throw your ph levels out of balance. The optimal ph balance of your skin is 5.5ph. This is the ideal level at which the thin protective layer on the surface of the skin (called acid mantle) can function to keep germs, toxins and bacteria at bay. You should therefore be picking your cleanser based on your skin type as it would come with the right ph balance.

2. Not cleaning your hands before touching the face

Always clean the germs and dirt of your hands first before moving onto your face. Ignoring this crucial first step can cause you to transfer all the bacteria and dirt of your hands on your face, giving rise to common skin problems such as acne, pimples and blackheads.

3. Using a pre-used washcloth

To avoid the filth from clogging your pores, always clean the washcloth that you use with an antiseptic to keep germs and bacteria at bay. Once you're done washing your face, don't rub the cloth all over your face but pat dry it.

4. Washing face using with hot water

When it comes to the water that you splash on your face, you should always use lukewarm or room temperature water. This is because hot water leaves your skin dry as it washes away the skin's essential oils; and cold water can break the capillaries (fine blood vessels) of your skin. In contrast, mildly lukewarm water will keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

5. Not washing the face twice a day

Just as you shouldn't ignore this important skin care habit that keeps your skin clean, you also shouldn't go overboard with it. Excessive face-washing can hamper the natural oil production of your skin, giving rise to dryness and irritation as a result. Your skin requires the natural oil it produces to keep it smooth and supple. Ideally, you should wash your face twice daily - once in the morning for removing the bacteria and dirt that clogged your pores, and again at night before going to bed.

6. Rushing through the routine

Lastly, don't rush through your cleansing routine. Make sure to properly rinse your face of cleanser completely, otherwise the residues would cause your skin to dry up later on, leading to skin irritation.

It is therefore very important to pay attention to all the little details that make up your face-washing routine. By doing it right, you get to achieve the clear and blemish-free skin that you always wanted.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on consult.
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Hot Lemon Water - Why You Must Start Your Day With It?

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, vijapur
Hot Lemon Water - Why You Must Start Your Day With It?
National Institute of Nutrition in India (NIN), recently released a report on its foundation day, in which it was revealed that your gender will define whether or not are you at risk of suffering from hypertension. It was mentioned in the report that 31% men and 26% women in urban localities of India suffer from hypertension. The report also indicated that whatever you eat has a crucial impact on preventing and controlling hypertension and one such superfood is Lemon. It is helpful in lowering your blood pressure, as it can make blood vessel soft and flexible.

Ask any health conscious person for health hacks and one of the first things they would share with you is to begin the day with a glass of warm lime water. Those of you who have tried this are well aware of its benefits and in case, you haven't tried it so far and are wondering as to what this magical potion can do read on to know more.

Digestive benefits: The food that we eat passes through the food pipe. When we wake up after a good night's sleep there could be remnants of food along the food pipe, and drinking warm water flushes out this and renders the food pipe clean for today s meal. Warm water also helps in removing the oiliness, which is quite likely due to your present food habits.
Improves immunity: The vitamin C and potassium in the lemon work wonders for the immunity. Also, because it is consumed on an empty stomach, the absorption is better and so the body derives the complete benefit.
Weight loss aid: Touted as one of the best weight loss aids, hot lime water boosts metabolism and allows the body to burn fat, thereby, helping in weight control. Combined with other weight loss measures, it definitely can help you lose weight.
Glowing skin: The vitamin C in the lime is essential for collagen formation, thus helps in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Also, hydration is one of the key skin care essentials, and drinking warm water in the morning flushes out toxins and keeps your skin glowing and clear.
Lively liver: The liver is the center of metabolism and drinking warm water in the morning helps keep the liver clean. The liver is active through the night and so drinking warm water in the morning helps restore its energy. This, in turn, boosts the flow of lymph and bile in the body.
Promotes healing: For those who have had injuries, vitamin C present in the lemon helps with the production of collagen and aid in wound healing. It improves connective tissue formation including cartilage and bones.
Mood enhancer: The smell of lemon juice is known to uplift your mood and so it is an interesting way to start your day. It also reduces anxiety and depression and can clear your mind of confusion.
pH balance: The ascorbic and citric acid in the lime are easily digested and the result is an alkaline environment. Body diseases occur when the body pH is acidic. By keeping the environment alkaline, lime reduces the overall chance of body illness.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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5 Nutritional Factors Of Almonds & Walnuts

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
5 Nutritional Factors Of Almonds & Walnuts
Almonds Vs Walnuts

Whenever you peruse through snack options in a store, looking for a fulfilling yet healthy option often turns out to be really challenging. This is where you might consider nuts, such as almonds or walnuts. They are healthy snacking options with rich reserves of protein, fibre, and energy.

However, even in the choice between almonds and walnuts, there are certain things which need to be kept in mind.

Energy content:

Almonds contain 14 grams worth of fat, and 164 calories whereas walnuts contain approximately 18 grams of fat but give 185 calories. Thus, we find that walnuts contain a slightly higher amount of fat than almonds, but provide more energy in the form of calories.

Protein content:

Almonds and walnuts are both protein powerhouses - containing 13% and 9% of protein content respectively. Thus, both these nuts are great sources of protein.

Mineral content:

Both almonds and walnuts are rich in various kinds of minerals. When it comes to Iron, which is essential for muscle health and blood formation, both nuts contain very similar amounts (approx 5%). Almonds pack 19% magnesium - essential for strong bones, compared to the 11% in walnuts. Walnuts, however have very high amounts of copper (50%) and manganese (54%) which prove to be useful in reducing symptoms of PMS as compared to almonds.
Fibre content:

Fiber, which plays a vital role in completing the process of digestion, is another component that these nuts pack healthy amounts of. Almonds contain 16% fiber whereas walnuts have 8%.

Vitamin content:

While walnuts contain 12% Vitamin B6, compared to the 3% in almonds, the real point of difference between these two highly healthy nuts is in their content of Vitamin E - essential for healthy skin and eyes. Almonds contain almost 48% of it, whereas walnuts contain only about 2% of the same.

Thus, we get a fair idea about the high nutritional content for both these nuts. They are both essential, especially if they can be incorporated into our diets in the correct proportions.
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Flax Seeds (Alsi) - 6 Health Benefits You Never Knew!

MD - Ayurveda, CIY, Guru Shishya Parampara, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
Flax Seeds (Alsi) - 6 Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Flax seeds are one of the world s oldest super foods. They can improve your skin and hair health, keep your heart healthy, fight cancer, lower cholesterol and help you lose weight. Yet, they hardly look impressive. Small and brown with no smell, nobody can guess that they are such reservoirs of nutrients invaluable for our health and well-being.

Nutrient profile

Flax seeds are the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids in the world!
They are the number one source of lignans in our diets.
They are also storehouses of minerals like manganese, magnesium as well as fibre, protein and vitamin B1.
Health benefits of flax seeds

Heart healthy: Omega-3 essential fatty acids are known as 'good' fats that have been shown to have a number of heart healthy effects. Flax seeds can naturally reduce cholesterol levels. This happens because the high fibre content in flax traps cholesterol in the digestive tract so it doesn t get absorbed. They also prevent hardening of arteries due to deposition of plaque and treat heart arrhythmias.
Super digestive aids: Fibre in flax seeds helps delay the passage of food through the GI tract. This increases nutrient absorption in the small intestine. Fibre also supports colon detoxification, fat loss and reduces sugar cravings.
Natural hormones: Lignans are very important plant hormones as well as antioxidants. The lignans in flax have estrogenic properties. After menopause, estrogen levels in women drop to abysmal levels. Use of flax seeds can shore up estrogen levels and provide protection for bones, heart and other organs. These provide benefits like anti-ageing, hormone balancing and health of body cells. Studies also show that flax can reduce hot flashes experienced during menopause by half. Lignans are also known for their anti-viral and antibacterial properties,
Flaxseeds are Gluten-free: Most grains we consume are gluten rich like wheat. Flax, on the other hand, is low in gluten. This means that flax is anti- inflammatory and reduces inflammation in any part of our bodies. People suffering from celiac disease and auto-immune diseases can thus include flax in their diet without a problem.
Most Magnesium-rich food in the world: Magnesium helps in keeping our muscles healthy and its deficiency is the biggest reason for sore muscles, fatigue and cramps.
Cancer fighter extraordinaire: In animal studies, the plant Omega-3 fatty acid found in flaxseed, called ALA, has been shown to inhibit tumour incidence and growth.
Flax seeds is also very effective against breast cancer. Flaxseed is by no means a magic bullet against every disease known to man, but it comes close to being one. If you are thinking of reaping its benefits, use flax seeds as much possible and add them in your curries, soups, smoothies or just roast and eat to experience the flax miracle.
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How Best to Lose Weight With Ayurvedic Remedies

BAMS, MD Ayurveda
Sexologist, Navi Mumbai
How Best to Lose Weight With Ayurvedic Remedies
In India, especially the urban centers, obesity or even being overweight is becoming a new epidemic. The increases in consumption of fast foods, sedentary lifestyles and stress have increased the incidence of this problem. This has in turn, led to an exponential increase in the cases of diabetes, heart diseases and blood pressure among a host of other problems.

The Ayurvedic approach
Ayurveda is a discipline, which has been practiced over many millennia and contains the collective wisdom to effectively treat problems of obesity or being overweight without side effects. According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of 7 elements or Dhatus:

Rasa (Lymph)
Rakta (Blood)
Maans (Muscle)
Meda (Fat)
Asthi (Bones)
Majja (Nervous system)
Shukra (Reproductive System)
However, if you are overweight then it means that due to an imbalance of the 'Kapha' dosha, you are accumulating more 'meda' or fat. Ayurveda has some very effective actions to prescribe through which you can lose weight very effectively. Some of these tips are mentioned below.

Drink a mixture of lemon, honey and water first thing in the morning: Drinking a mix of lemon, honey and water helps to jump start your metabolism and boost your digestive system. Drinking this regularly over a period of a few months and would help reduce your weight very quickly.

Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day: This is a very important step as meditation helps relax your mind, muscles and nerves and reduces stress. This enables you to take better decisions throughout the day. It also controls your appetite thus stopping you form binge eating. Meditation and relaxation have also been shown to contribute to weight loss by keeping the metabolism regulated.

Do at least 30 minutes of exercise: It is important that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily as it would regulate your metabolism and help you to keep burning fat throughout the day. Incorporating light yoga along with a brisk walk is possibly the best way to safely and easily lose weight. Some of the easiest poses to lose weight would be
Dhanurasana or Bow pose
Setubandhasana or Bridge pose
Bhujangasana or Cobra pose
Vakrasana or Half spinal Twist pose among many others
Consider your diet according to season: According to Ayurveda, you should be careful about what you eat during the various seasons as this will ensure maximum nutrient absorption without the deposition of fat.
Eat three meals a day, not more: According to Ayurveda, you should have three meals a day without any snacks in between. Have a heavy breakfast as that tends to set the tone for the day, followed by a comparatively light lunch and an even lighter dinner. This is because your digestive system functions most effectively in the morning, fairly fast at noon, but it is the most sluggish at night.
Go to bed early and rise early: This is often propagated as disturbances in the Circadian rhythm or the natural sleep and waking cycles are a big contributor to weight gain. Once this is properly regulated, it could result in weight loss because of your body metabolism being properly regulated.
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8 Health Benefits Of Jeera Water!

BAMS, PG-Diploma In (Cosmetology & Laser Therapy)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kolhapur
8 Health Benefits Of Jeera Water!
Jeera or cumin can do more than add flavour to your food. For your health to benefit from jeera, boil a spoon of raw jeera with a cup of water and strain it. This tea can help resolve a number of health issues, skin and hair problems. This should ideally be taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

Some of the health benefits of jeera water are:

It aids digestion: A glass of jeera water in the morning can stimulate the production of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, glucose and fats. It also enhances your metabolism and prevents diarrhoea, nausea and gaseousness among other indigestion problems.
It helps remove toxins: Jeera water is rich in antioxidants that can help flush toxins from the body and promote the healthy functioning of internal organs. This is especially beneficial for the liver.
It boosts immunity: Jeera is rich in iron, which helps the immune system function optimally. A glass of jeera water can account for up to 7% of the recommended daily iron intake. Vitamins A and C, which help protect the body against infections, are also found in jeera water.
It helps treat anaemia: The high levels of iron in jeera make it ideal for treating anaemic patients. Without adequate iron, the body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells and hence, hamper circulation of oxygen-rich blood.
It improves the respiratory system: Jeera has anti-congestive properties. Hence, drinking a glass of jeera water can help dilute and discharge mucus in the chest. Its antiseptic properties also help kill microbes that cause colds and coughs.
It improves the quality of your sleep: Jeera water can help cure insomnia to a large degree. Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, but it can also ensure you have a better quality of sleep.
It improves memory: Jeera can help enhance ones brainpower. This helps sharpen your memory and increases your attention span.
It helps achieve clear skin: Jeera is full of fibre and free radical scavengers. This helps detoxify the body and helps make their elimination smoother. By fighting free radicals, jeera water helps keep the skin clear and adds a natural glow. This also makes jeera an effective way of treating acne. Jeera also has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. Additionally, jeera water can soothe the skin and increase the skin s ability to absorb nutrients from food.
All the points discussed above prove that jeera has countless health benefits. Hence, start consuming it daily from today only to keep yourself healthy and fit.
10202 people found this helpful

Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) Health Benefits - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, vijapur
Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) Health Benefits - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
Black pepper is one of the oldest spices known to mankind. It is found in abundant quantities in the Southern states of Kerala. Its medicinal qualities can successfully counter disorders such as indigestion, pyorrhea, cough, dental problems and cardiovascular diseases. Black pepper is extensively used for food preservation owing to its antibacterial properties. Being rich in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K, it acts as a great anti-inflammatory agent as well.

Here are some of the well-known benefits of black pepper:

Beneficial for stomach: Black pepper enhances the secretion of HCL i.e. hydrochloric acid in the stomach which in turn facilitates digestion. This ensures proper digestion and keeps away diseases such as colic and diarrhea. Pepper enhances urination and sweating which in turn ensures that external toxin has a safe way out. It also has the capability to limit gas formation within the body.
Weight Loss: Black Pepper s outer layer helps in breaking fat cells. Also, foods that are made with pepper are an effective way to shed weight. Once the fat cells are broken down, the body uses it as a component of enzymatic reactions. The excess fats are eradicated from the body. Black pepper can be used in curries or consumed daily in the morning along with hot water to fetch rich benefits.
Skin Health: Pepper is a very good agent in curing skin diseases such as vitiligo. The latter is a condition where patches of skin lose the normal pigmentation and become white. Recent studies have shown that pepper combined with UV therapy is a better alternative compared to chemical-heavy treatments. Furthermore, black pepper can successfully prevent skin cancer.
Respiratory Relief: Pepper is known to be extremely effective when it comes to cough and cold. It is known to be a great agent for nasal congestion and sinusitis. The expectorant property of the black pepper is known to attack the phlegm and mucus and give instant relief. The fact that it is a natural irritant, helps the mucus to get out of the body through the nostrils. This helps the body to heal quickly.
Peptic ulcer and whooping cough: Quite a few studies have shown that black pepper is beneficial for patients suffering from peptic ulcer and gastric mucosal. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties also help to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma and persistent cough.
Anti-oxidant properties: The anti-oxidant properties of black pepper help to counter the effects of the free radicals, helps in fighting cardiovascular diseases successfully and counter life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, it can help the body fight premature ageing conditions such as macular degeneration, spots, wrinkles etc. Studies have also proved that black pepper enhances memory and impair memory loss.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Jamun (Indian Blackberry) - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga - NDDY
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Jamun (Indian Blackberry) - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
Jamun, which is a native fruit of India is sweet in taste with rich black color. It is also known by the name of Indian blackberry, java plum, or black plum. The color responsible for its popularity is purple or deep blue. Jamun has been known to offer health and medicinal benefits for ages. It alleviates the symptoms of stomach pain, arthritis, certain digestive issues, and diabetes.

Improvement in the hemoglobin level of the blood
Jamun or Indian blackberry comes with loads of iron or Vitamin C which is usually responsible for the increase of hemoglobin in the blood. The increase in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood enables it to carry much more oxygen to different parts or organs of the body which keeps the body healthier. The purification of the blood is done and made possible due to the iron present in the jamun or Indian blackberry.

Summary- Being a rich source of Iron and Vitamin C, Jamun plays an important role in hemoglobin formation. It helps to increase the hemoglobin content and purification of blood.
Improvement in the health condition of eyes and skin
The Indian blackberry or Jamun is known to improve and enhance the number of hemoglobin and the iron present in it acts as purifying agent for the blood. This purification of the blood and enhancement in the hemoglobin leads to the improvement in the health of the skin and eyes of a person. The fruit also has some amount of Vitamin C and Vitamin A and some other minerals which are known to be very helpful for making the skin and eyes healthy. The astringent property of the fruit keeps the skin away from acne and when your skin is oily and you consume this fruit, your skin will become clear and fresh.

Summary- Jamun has astringent property which helps to improve the texture of the skin. Iron and other nutrients present in Jamun enhance eye health.
The heart is made healthier
There is an abundant amount of potassium present in the jamun or Indian blackberry which is very healthy and beneficial for the heart of a person. On an approximation in 100 grams of jamun or Indian blackberry there is 55 milligrams of potassium present therefore this fruit jamun helps in keeping the person away from life threatening health problems like stroke, high blood pressure and other heart diseases. This fruit also has a positive effect on the arteries of the body and keeps them healthy and prevents them from tightening and hardening.

Summary- The presence of a rich amount of potassium in Jamun makes it beneficial for the heart. It helps to prevent heart diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, etc.
Strengthening of the gums and teeth
The fruit jamun or Indian blackberry is very helpful and beneficial for the teeth and gums of a person. Jamun leaves are known to have certain antibacterial properties which can be used to prevent the gums from bleeding or the person can also use it in another way where he can dry the leaves of jamun or Indian blackberry and make a powder of it and then use or apply it, which will help your gums to remain healthy and prevent them from any kind of infections and bleeding. This fruit also proves very helpful in the treatment of mouth ulcers, the bark of the tree is known to have an astringent effect and the bark's application in the form of a decoction for rinsing the mouth helps in the treatment of mouth ulcers.

Summary- Jamun contains certain antibacterial properties which help to wipe out infections, gum bleeding, ulcers, etc. Its fruit, leaves, and bark are used in various ways.
Helps in the treatment of diabetes
There are certain symptoms which can be cured or brought under control due to the consumption of jamun or Indian blackberry like the problem of thirst or excess urination. The glycemic index of jamun or Indian blackberry is very low which helps in the maintenance of the blood sugar to a normal level. The different parts of the jamun tree like the leaves, bark and seeds are very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.

Summary- Due to its low glycemic index, Jamun can be consumed by diabetic people. It helps to control blood sugar levels, thirst, and excess urination.
Helps in the prevention of various kinds of infection
The fruit jamun or Indian blackberry is known to have various properties like anti-infective, anti-malarial and anti-bacterial properties. This fruit also contains various acids like betulinic acid, gallic acid, malic acid, oxalic acid and tannins. Presence of these acids and these properties helps the person stay away from common infections.

Summary: Jamun has antibacterial, anti-infective, and anti-malarial properties due to the presence of certain acids. It protects us from common infections.
Other Health Benefits of Blackberry
Blackberry is a nutrient-packed fruit. It offers several benefits, like-
Improves digestion
Combats certain kinds of cancer
Provides anti-inflammatory properties to the body
Maintains colon health
Regulates blood sugar level, etc.
The above-stated benefits are some of the uncountable benefits provided by Blackberry.
Consumption of Jamun or Indian blackberry helps the person stay away from common infections and some life-threatening diseases as well. So it is highly recommended to take Jamun or Indian blackberry in your diet whenever it is possible.

What happens if you eat blackberries every day?
Eating blackberries every day will help us to improve brain and heart health, immunize the body, prevent infections, etc. It helps to combat various diseases like diabetes, memory loss, and some specific types of cancers.

When should we avoid blackberry?
If we experience any side effects after eating blackberry then we must avoid eating it.

When should you not eat blackberries?
If someone is suffering from chronic gastrointestinal problems or feeling nauseous then they must not eat blackberries.

Are blackberries good for belly fat?
Yes, blackberries are good for belly fat. They help us to activate fat-burning genes.
9830 people found this helpful

Beer - How Much Is Safe?

General Physician, Bangalore
Beer - How Much Is Safe?
Can beer be a healthy drink? Despite the common myths surrounding alcohol consumption and the adverse effects that it has on a person in the long run, a controlled and well-balanced intake of beer is not as bad as it would seem.

Here are a few reasons proving that beer can be healthy for you if taken in the right amount and quantity.

In comparison to other alcoholic beverages, beer is relatively healthier for your kidneys. As a matter of fact, studies show that a bottle of beer can actually reduce the risk of acquiring kidney stones by up to 40%.
Fiber, as we all know, plays a vital role in digestion. The presence of up to one gram of soluble fiber in just a 30 ml glass of beer (dark beer, in particular) makes the beverage very beneficial for digestion.
Fiber present in beer can also help reduce the level of LDL cholesterol (a harmful proponent of cholesterol).
It has been proved that beer is a rich source of various B vitamins like vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
The presence of both nicotinic acid and Lactoflavin in beer makes it an effective cure for insomnia.
Beer is also helpful in the prevention of blood clots.
The presence of high levels of silicon in beer is responsible for bestowing a stronger bone density.
Studies have concluded that beer can also reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack.
Unlike their non-drinking counterparts, beer drinkers are less vulnerable of experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Because of the presence of certain vitamins, beer has a ton healthy nourishing benefits for the skin.
Beer is also useful in fighting against stress.
What are the recommended safe limits of Beer?

Men should drink no more than 14 units of Beer per week, these units should be spread out through the week and they should have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Women should drink no more than 14 units of Beer per week, these units should be spread out through the week and they should have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Pregnant women or women trying to conceive should not drink alcohol at all. If they do choose to drink, to minimise the risk to the baby, they should not drink more than 1-2 units of beer once or twice a week and should not get drunk.
Despite the above people with increased Triglyceride, Uric Acid should be restricted for consumption of alcohol. People with fatty liver patient with other medication for hypertension, etc. also should refrain from drinking.
People with diabetes who drink should follow these alcohol consumption guidelines:

Do not drink more than two drinks of alcohol in a one-day period if you are a man, or one drink if you are a woman.
Drink beer only with food.
Drink slowly.
Avoid "sugary" mixed drinks, sweet wines, or cordials.
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